
  • For I am the jester

    For I am the jester

    I love comedy. I don’t think I have a lot of humor but when I use silly comparisons to explain the madness behind the actions of mankind. So why don’t I think I’m funny. Well because what you laugh about is sad. Each and every time you get to make the decisions of doing something…

  • Incompetence is something bad

    Incompetence is something bad

    There something about incompetence that gets me angry! Very angry! We are surrounded by other humans that pretend they’re not incompetent in some things most of them are chaotic at best when keeping a schedule. Than their perception of things is formed by the media they cling to for sensation and other winning sensations they…

  • Something about sports

    Something about sports

    Do you like football/soccer? The Olympics? Oh please explain it to me you see since a very young age I found that all sports are blinding people to be more engaged with the comforting of their own ego. I’ll give you a youth example of my teens. We were in a football tournament. We made…

  • What’s wrong with them

    What’s wrong with them

    If you ever felt yourself confronted with people behaving like monkeys in a tree throwing rocks at passerby’s. You’ve encountered the real life version of what happens on the internet. Where algorithms thrive on conflict so that they get more interaction by engagements. Which is their business model. Social media isn’t there to make you…

  • I don’t want to be your consigliere

    I don’t want to be your consigliere

    I never asked to be a advisor for a certain group of people. I’m already a advisor to some. It’s not been 24 hrs when I was. I won’t last another hour or someone will ask me questions to solve their misery. I don’t claim I have all the wisdom, but most things seem stupid…

  • You win some, you lose some

    You win some, you lose some

    I had a wonderful time at the mixed elements event in Almere Buiten. Three days of painting. Crashing at a friends place with more painting and of course the occasional tag in the streets. But nothing compared to the partner I got hooked up with. A thirteen year old boy who was amazing. He’s a…

  • Don’t blame the victim!

    Don’t blame the victim!

    Hold your horses! Wait a minute did someone pull the blame game again not to get harassed by little things such a working environment responsibilities. Welcome to the little country called the Netherlands. Where certain things in certain medias is blown up by sensationalized reporting. The reveal of it was on YouTube so it would…

  • This is your therapist speaking

    This is your therapist speaking

    Let’s not talk about me! I don’t feel depressed about my personal situation. I don’t have feelings about anything. Don’t feel shit. It’s the antipsychotic medication. I feel just bliss when I smoke some weed. It’s not an antidepressant but a mood enhancer. It fucks with the antipsychotic medication. So who else is feeling depressed.…

  • How is it to settle for second best

    How is it to settle for second best

    Congratulations you’ve achieved your dream. Everyone bought your bullshit. Your right wing utopia has been achieved. It’s one big festival to capitalism and the conservative dream. Happy you! You must be sleeping well after that you’ve celebrated the fact of your winnings. You must be real proud of yourself. I just have to put on…

  • The state this country is in

    The state this country is in

    Well, we’ll. Isn’t this funny! Ten years ago. I wrote a letter! Applying for the job of Vice President of the Council of State. Where I wanted fair treatment. Without prejudice or being put in a box. Let alone be admired for the wrong reasons. I’ve wasn’t doing well in the relationship I was in.…

  • Only a rat can win a rat race!

    Only a rat can win a rat race!

    Who’s the biggest rat of them all. Those who fucked with me personally or those who crucified Jesus or those who were responsible for electing Adolfo Hitler. Those who commit genocide! Those who elected them in power. Those who do the bidding of extremist parties. One thing for sure. We do love a rat. Those…

  • You’re no rebel!

    You’re no rebel!

    What a whole lot of delusional people are out there. Not caring for facts basing their action on a gut feeling. Demonstrators with enemies among them. Right wing factions joining in. Ex military people joining in. All right wing fascists. And your alarm bells didn’t go off. WOW what are you a delusional person if…

  • Underground


    Yes! I’m very underground! That doesn’t mean I commit to a popular culture. I don’t do subcultures. People categorize me anyway. I keep getting confronted with their perception of that which is underground. Some even think I have something to prove. That’s not the case. If I do something I do it out of love…

  • Thank God it’s Monday

    Thank God it’s Monday

    The celebration of the beginning of the week! When you finally allowed to do the things you love most. Where you’re getting paid and respected and even loved! Are you that person! Yes! Well fantastic! Are you by any chance also a social, respectful, responsible and green individual who doesn’t like fascism, racism or sexism?…

  • Be right back

    Be right back

    This drawing should be plastified and hung up at my door on a hook so I can take it off and leave it. Now seeing our living communion is grown up and people are knowing more about themselves their wishes and other things. Their social status. And being bored of being treated as if they…

  • Be an adult about it!

    Be an adult about it!

    Stay high! Be an adult about it. It’s been said by me. To me. As an expression of care! As an act of friendship! As an educated person that doesn’t put an certain act or habit in a certain box just it’s convenient, but he or she overthinks what they’re witnessing and make an evaluated…

  • If it’s good enough for them! It’s good enough for you!

    If it’s good enough for them! It’s good enough for you!

    Hmm, let’s just say I’ve encountered your problem! You’ve encountered Jesus heard him preach and the majority threw him in the clinic because he never claimed to be Jesus of your believes but he preached wisdom and love. He has miraculous skills in his profession but you made him work for next to nothing. Claiming…

  • Haters gotta hate!

    Haters gotta hate!

    Yeah well. For the last ten years I’ve been pestered by right wing fascist racist sexist fucktwats. They keep showing up. They keep performing weird little theatrics. Influencing my surroundings. They are filled with hate for the fact I don’t agree with their weird conspiracies and believes. Their aggression is limitless and blinding. I’m lucky…

  • Epilogue of a decade 😘

    Epilogue of a decade 😘

    Well, we’ll it’s almost been a decade! 10 whole years since I’ve written my job application to the Council of State of the Royal family. Ten years of being surrounded by the indoctrination machine of the right wing fellow Dutch. All claiming they know better. Never having any solutions to my problems I’ve gotten since…

  • Best wishes for 2022

    Best wishes for 2022

    It’s now Wednesday the 15th of December. I’m going to take it slow until new year’s. No more drawing. No more writing. I’m taking a siesta. Why don’t you! Let the holidays wash over you. Just let it happen. And concentrate on the new year. A year where you can stop doing stuff that’s bad…

  • Falsely claiming

    Falsely claiming

    So it’s 02.00 a.m in the morning and I’ve received a text from an ex from over 15 years ago. I didn’t read the text until 04.00 a.m. but she was claiming I was a brute to her. Well isn’t that something. Me a brute. If anything multiple ladies have said in the past I…

  • Do you have any complaints?

    Do you have any complaints?

    Yes! You do! About me! Oh isn’t that great! You can stick those complaints somewhere where the sun don’t shine! You conservative, fascist, racist, seksist and capitalistic scum. Without peace and love in your heart. You disagree with what I’m saying! You have a different opinion. You think I’m mad. You think I’m disruptive! You…

  • You deserve what’s coming

    You deserve what’s coming

    That’s what I keep telling myself. In my walk in life I’ve found most people cause their own problems. I’ve been a psychologist for many. All within the fleeting existence of their lives. From all walks of life. From miljonairs to thugs. All living their lives. All with their individual problems. You’ve got the ones…

  • What happened on the internet

    What happened on the internet

    Uhuh! In the Netherlands there was a hashtag trending! Thierry got vaccinated! It was fake news made possible by trolls. Or should I say faeries. Where the person in question is a known anti vaccine advocate! His stance and that of his political party are the same! Except for some! That’s how unstable his party…